This interesting scenery was seen at a place called Anawilundawa in the Puttalam District. You can reach here via Colombo – Puttalam Road. A traveler had to turn towards the sea side after Baththulu Oya.
This area is connected to Mundal Lagoon South of Puttalam. It is a marshy area but very scenic in its own unique way. The watery landscape is full of different types of water lilies like Olu and Manel. The land is generally grassy but lots of thick forest patches can be seen.
It is a great place for bird watchers and to my knowledge, Anawilundawa is already identified as a bird sanctuary.
Very nice... As much as I love birding, I'm sure I'd enjoy that place. I also love marshy areas where there are water-lilies.
Thanks for sharing.
that lone almost lifeless tree in the picture puts so much depth in the scenery. love it, tells us not only those with leaves can stand tall and beautiful.
I like the trees in the center of this photo. It looks as if they are standing guard.
I can see why the birds would choose this location to hang out...lots of water and tidbits to eat. Maybe they like these bare branches to rest upon too!
The contrast of leafless trees set against the lush green backdrop adds a great beauty. Think I've seen something similar when the drought season hits A'pura, and dries up all the water in the lakes, then trees like these appear sparsely. But glad to see this pic is full of life. Great pic and thanks for sharing.
On a different note.. it's great that you've covered up to Puttalam.. so how about adding a map widget to mark the cities you've already traveled? =D
You are most welcome. It has lots of birds as well as water lilies. You will like this place for sure.
Agree with you. The tree adds beauty to the surrounding even after its death!
Yes. It surely qualifies as the watch guard of the sanctuary :)
Yes I agree with you. Usually most of the bird sanctuaries in Sri Lanka have this feature. If you look closer you may notice the bird resting upon one of the bare branches of the tree :)
You are right. I have seen similar trees in most of the Tanks / Lakes in North Western and Eastern provinces. Usually they appear during the draught season.
Thanks for the good suggestion. I will try to add a map widget to mark the places already described.
Thanks all for your comments!!
Wonderful photo K... Is this area a 'Willuwa' like those seen in Wilpattu?
Interesting place -beautiful place!//Eva
I envy but it needs patience and time to be a bird watcher. So, I better keep traveling high and low instead of standing still, waiting for birds. Hahaha.. By the way, nice picture.
Beautiful snap. Even I love taking pictures of such trees.
Que ótimo!
Você iria adorar a serra do mar aqui no Brasil, é muito bonita e com uma biodiversidade incrível.
Pena que só restam 3% dela, que cortam o Brasil de norte a sul numa faixa litorânea.
Interesting place..... How awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Good to know you have been there and done that!
This is excellent for birding especially during Nov-April when migrants supplement resident birds. It was designated as RAMSAR wetland due to its avi-faunal richness. It is one of the three RAMSAR wetlands in Sri Lanka. Other RAMSAR wetlands are Bundala NP and Madhu Ganaga Sanctuary.
The area is good for butterfly and dragonfly enthusiasts and there are enough interesting things for a keen naturalist to spend a whole day here (of course with midday breaks!)
BTW, Correct rendering of the name is Annaiwilundawa, although the name used by you is also used by some.
I want to visit Sri Lanka some day. I have heard it is a beautiful country. Lovely post, this one.
Thanks a lot for heaps of information on ‘Annaiwilundawa’ (Thanks for correct name too). I just skimmed through the website you’ve given and found this interesting study done on the same area. I learnt the meaning of this new word too – Avifaunal Richness!
I will study about RAMSAR wetlands more leisurely.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge! :)
Yes. This area has similar vegetation. This region has lots of Tanks like Maiyawa Wewa / Suruwila Wewa and Anawilundawa Wewa. Usually ‘Willuwa’ type of vegetation could be seen in either at neglected Tanks (Wewa) or extended regions of Tanks.
We see similar places in North Western and Eastern Provinces.
Thanks for your comments!
Angel Pearls,
Thanks for your comments!
I agree you. Me too not possess that much of patience.
Thanks for your comments!
Thanks for your comments!
Guilherme B.R.,
Thanka um lote para os seus comentários!
Vou certamente visitam o Brasil um dia:)
Femin Susan,
Thanks for your comments!
You should visit Sri Lanka and I’m sure you will like it. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments!
Came over from 2sweetnsaxy's blog. Sri Lanka is a place I would love to visit. Not much chance of that though!
Maggie May,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your wonderful comments. Try your best to visit here oneday :)
This tree stands out against the backgrand was really nice!
Thanks for dropping by and for your comments!
Great shot. A peacuful looking place.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
pretty dramatic shot. i like it!
J Bar / Luna,
Many Thanks :)
Beautiful and poetic... the way that death cuts into the light air... i can imagine large colorful birds perching there.
Wonderful photo, and I love that this very pretty place is a bird sanctuary.
Yes..the dead tree is a popular resting spot for variety of birds :)
You can read more about this sanctuary here - water lilies
Thanks both for your comments :)
Wonderful place, it looks so peaceful.
Sinagpore plants lover,
Many thanks for dropping by and for your comments :)
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