29 July 2010

Another Evening

This picture was taken near Thissa Wewa.

Every evening here, by the banks of Thissa Wewa, brings colorful memories like the one shown in the picture.

27 July 2010

Down the Hill

This picture was taken while going towards Haputhale along A4 road. Here, I’m looking towards Uda Walawe side.

You will see similar sceneries during most part of the journey, along this road.

22 July 2010

20 July 2010

Crab or Spider?

I am quite curious about spiders from a long time and this particular species is one of my favorite. Well you already know it is a spider but doesn’t it look like a crab?

See the crab like body armor in the above picture and the claw in this picture.

18 July 2010

Montane Rain Forests

The Sri Lankan variety of montane rain forests are found in few places within central highlands like Horton Plains, Knuckles Range and Sri Pada Range (Peak Wilderness). Usually these forests can be seen in mountain tops above 4500 feet from sea level. Below that level we find another type known as sub-montane forests.

Montane rain forests have thick undergrowth and it is extremely difficult to walk across a forest patch. Due to the cold weather and high winds the trees in these forests are not that tall compared to the rain forests in lowlands. Trees are usually around 20-30 feet tall and there is a low canopy. Sub-montane rain forests are a transitional stage between the lowland and highland vegetation. Both these forest types are high in biodiversity. Another interesting feature is cloud forests, which I have experienced quite a lot while hiking in these forests.

Above picture, taken from Sri Pada Range shows part of the montane rain forest there. More photos in this link show both high montane as well as sub-montane rain forests.

14 July 2010

The Little Hut

This picture was taken on the way to Alagalla. Hope you can see the little hut in the tea estate?

10 July 2010

Thirty Kilometres

Ella – Wellawaya road (A23) is one of the most scenic roads in Sri Lanka.

Ella is situated in the eastern boundary of central highlands and Wellawaya belongs to the low country. The 30 kilometre route from Ella to Wellawaya will descend you nearly 3000 feet. This elevation difference will give you contrasting landscape from the start to end within short distance. The winding road will take you through one of the most beautiful and unique landscapes in Sri Lanka.

The first part of this route is the best part and you will get to see similar sceneries like in the above picture. More pictures of this route are uploaded here.

To see more scenic images, explore this wonderful site - Scenic Sunday.

07 July 2010


I have never seen this brown coloured insect before. So thought of posting this one for a change.

I'm thrilled to see that above picture is picked by Conservation Carbon Company in their blog.

02 July 2010

At the Pier

This picture was taken at Thissa Wewa.

To see more scenic images, explore this wonderful site - Scenic Sunday.