24 April 2010

Sunrise from Yala

This sunrise was captured in Yala, just before the main entrance at Palatupana.


clo said...

a pure vision....
beautiful landscape....
i love sunrise ,it's a new day who begin..

Mahasen said...

Great shot! I love the colors in the sky and the dimly lit landscape.

rainfield61 said...

Say good morning with a beautiful sunrise.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...


Harshi said...

What a way to begin a day! Stunning pic! And how lucky for those who live in Yala, the wild animals I mean, to see such a spectacle daily. =D

Diane AZ said...

The sunrise reflections in the water are beautiful. Great shot!

Emma said...

Gorgeous :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

A very beautiful sunrise. I don't get to see things like this often because I live too close to the city. I either have buildings in the way, or I have trees blocking my view.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks a lot for your comments!

Glad you like it!

Thanks mate!

Yes that is a great way to start the day!

Willie aka Reptoz,
Thanks for dropping by and for your comments!

Usually you see more animals early morning and late in the evening. I think they all come out of their hiding places to see the sun rise and sun set! :)

Diane AZ,
Thanks a lot for your comments!

Thanks :)

Yes, this particular area is a plain with trees widely spaced like in a savanna, so one of the best place to view a good sunrise or sunset.

Harshi said...

You mean the nocturnal ones? Or is it like most animals out there keep a low profile during day time?

George said...

What a gorgeous sunrise!

Jingle said...


5 awards on the bottom of my post,
enjoy some!

Jingle said...

the view is always amazing to me!
Happy Sunday!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Not only nocturnal ones.
Most animal keep a low profile during the mid day. Especially the prized sightings like elephants, leopards seen in the early mornings or evenings.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks very much :)

Anonymous said...

It's so calm.
Is that a river in the middle?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There K, I'm trying to catch up today... Will take me forever!!!! ha....

Love the sunrise photo... AMAZING... I also loved seeing the Alagalla Mountain.

Hope you have a wonderful week.

Kirigalpoththa said...

It is actually a small pool of water. There are many such pools of water of varying size in Yala. Those are the best places to see wildlife. Thanks a lot for comments!

No worries,:)
I saw your wonderful photos from Fall Creek Falls. Also I loved the latest photos of heavenly West Virginia. Thanks a lot for comments. Have a great week!

Loshini said...

The way the rays seem to radiate outward is gorgeous, K!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks a lot for comments! :)

Harshi said...

I see. Thanks for the tips. ^__^

Kirigalpoththa said...

You are welcome :D

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful capture of the sunrise.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks a lot for your comments :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love the sunset!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks Jingle :)

Anonymous said...

Aprendi mucho