22 February 2010


Above photo and a few more here were taken towards the lagoon side of Panama Beach (pronounced as paːnəmə). This place is unique as you will see the sea from the East, lagoon from the North, sand dunes from the South and the village from the West.


Diane AZ said...

Lovely views in every direction, looks like a great place to visit!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Diane AZ,
Thanks for dropping by and for your comments! :D

Mahasen said...

Wonderful place and a great set of photos! Thanks for sharing..

Loshini said...

The strip of sand in the background looks like a land bridge?

Amaris in Wonderland said...

Nice shot! Looks like a great place to explore.

rainfield61 said...


I would like to ride on the boat.

Rajesh said...

Spectacular view of the place.

George said...

What a beautiful scene!! Thanks for sharing itwith us.

Unknown said...

That's a true Beauty!
I bet you can see lots of birds in that area!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks and you are welcome!

Yes. That thin land strip divide the sea and the lagoon!

Yes it is one of the best I've hiked and camped in Sri Lanka!

Ah..yes that will be an experience! :)

Thanks a lot!

Thanks and you are welcome!

Yes there are plenty of birds here. A few miles away there is a place called Kumana, which is a well known bird sanctuary.

Thanks all for your comments!!

Sean said...

Wow... I love it!

Great composition to get the lagoon, sand bank and a little bit of sea :)

Amila Salgado said...

Sounds like a great spot for an all suite boutique hotel to me! Where are those investors?

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks a lot! One camera angle surely not enough to capture all what is there..:)

Yep..surely it will.. but I like it this way..lonely and remote :)

Thanks mate!

unique FONT said...

wonderful ^^!

Janith said...

Funnily, this reminds me of this map I once created in a strategy game called Stronghold, right down to the colours!

Beautiful capture K! :)

Kirigalpoththa said...

unique FONT,
Thanks :)

Really! So what was the game about? ..'Get on the boat, row to the island at the centre of the lagoon,.. save the princess and go to the sea shore on the opposite side of the lagoon.. where the ship is waiting..' :D

Janith said...

K - Yep, pretty much, but with loads of added knights, archers and siege machines! lol ;)

Kirigalpoththa said...

oh yes I forgot the most important people - the enemy :)

cat said...

Such a beautiful place. You have captured it well with your camera:)

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks a lot :D

eileeninmd said...

What a beautiful lagoon, I'm sure the birds love it there. Wonderful view and photos!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Yes, lot of birds come to this area! Some migratory birds as well..
Thanks a lot for your comments :D

Lio Popov said...

Wonderful place. The photos is great. If you want visit Bulgaria whit my photos: http://bulgariaturism.blogspot.com/.
Good luck!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Hi Leonnybg,
Thanks for dropping by and for your comments! So your blog..wonderful :D