This reptile is known as Sri Lankan Pit Viper or Green Pit Viper. (Pala Polanga in Sinhalese)
This colorful snake is found mostly in forest areas of Sri Lanka, both low lands and mountains up to medium heights. It is usually seen resting on foliage of trees, shrubs or creepers. Sometimes it stays in the same place for weeks. Although it is a venomous snake, I have not heard about any fatal bites by this species.
It is good to take a few precautions while hiking in dense forests with thick undergrowth. I have mentioned some simple but very effective methods in one of my previous posts.
I captured this one during my recent trip to Sinharaja rain forest. This is the first time I have come across a green pit viper in all my hikes. I could not move closer to get a macro view for obvious reasons.
Nice coloration. Glad you were able to stay safe.
Although this is an interesting photo of the viper, I'm very glad you didn't try to get a macro! I don't think I would want to meet this critter on our hikes.
beautiful snake K! I too am glad that you didn't move in for a closer look! ;)
Prospero / George / Chavie,
Thanks all or your comments! :)
Hy Kirigalpoththa:
Again an animal, but in this case i am agree with you, much better to not try a macro very close to it...
I don´t think I would be able to take that picture...!!!
Regards from the far Mediterranean...!!!.
It looks really nice, with that color combo. And yep, luminous green is a warning sign. So it's always good to keep a good distance, unless you're a snake charmer. =D
Vicente B,
Greetings from Sri Lanka!
Thanks for your comments!
Yep, I will never be a snake charmer so I keep my distance :)
Thanks for your comments!
I don't think I would move closer either. You got a very good picture of this beautiful snake anyway.
Thanks Ratty!
Yes, it is a beautiful snake!!
Erggg.. it is not my favourite!!
Snakes are not my favourites too..but this one is one of my picks if I ever asked to select a reptile. :)
Awesome colors!
On the Road with Sankara, is a beauty! :)
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