This village is situated between Raththota and Pallegama. Illukkumbura is quite similar to Etanwela and the two villages are about 5km apart. The only difference is that it is less remote compared to Etanwela as the main road goes through Illukkumbura.
There is an office of the Forestry Department in this village, where you can obtain lot of information about Knuckles Range. This is a popular place among the local visitors and there are some excellent places to dip in cool spring water. The main water stream is known as Thelgamu Oya.
The above bird's eye view of Illukkumbura was taken from the top of Maningala Mountain. If you click on the image and enlarge it, you will see the main road and the paddy fields in the village.
There is an exciting nature trail from Illukkumbura to Etanwela via Maningala Mountain. I will give you more information on that soon.
Do tell how you get to these beautiful places !!!! Can one take the public transport ? Is it possible for you to google eath them ?
You blog is an absolute pleasure to read.
It must be very peaceful to be living at this place, if we can sacrifice on aonther part of out life.
Dipping in water surrounded by all this greenery sounds very tempting :)
What a lovely place you live in!
wow, this looks like a wonderful village K! waiting to read about the nature trail soon! :)
Also a good place for bird will be amazed by the variation.. thax for the post.
Yes you can take a bus from Mathale towards Pallegama and get down at Illukkumbura. But there are very few buses on this road.
I'll try to upload some of the photos in my Picasa site and show the exact location in the map
In the meantime you can check this location via maplandia (Which uses Google earth)
Thanks a lot for your compliments :)
You are correct. If you are ready to sacrifice your luxurious town life you can live here and experience the most peaceful lifestyles :)
Yep we had one hour bath there in coolest of the spring water you ever get..
I like all the villages around Dumbara kadu area. They are really nice places. I shall soon bring you about maningala hike :)
You are most welcome and Yep you are right, I saw quite a few birds there …
Thanks all for your comments!
Kirigalpoththa, amazing photo and landscape. I could spend many hours sitting atop that mountain. Your swinging bridge, however, is for someone else to explore. ;)
Great mountain view!
those mountains are beautiful. i can see myself getting lost inside that nature trail easily. the exploring would be most gratifying. have a great day.
Yes the landscape is trully magnificent here and we had a great time on top of the mountain. I must say that the swinging bridge is not that bad and you too would have loved to explore it :)
Yep I'll bring some even better views soon from the otjer side :)
The nature trail had some points where we had to be very careful not to lose our way. Luckily it was signposted with red arrows in some places so finding the way was not that difficult.
Thanks all for your comments!!
What a sensational picture. Clicking on it unleashed so many concealed facets...totally cool !
Beautiful images of an paradise island.
so lush, so full of life. nice capture.
happy weekend.
Yes it was taken from a faraway place above the village so it has so much infromation hidden.
Thanks for dropping by and I am fascinated by your images in your blog!
Photo Cache, are correct this village is full of life!
Thanks all for your comments!! :)
Nice gravatar!
Thanks. Took that a few days before the last solar eclipse ;)
Learn to get a 'Gravatar' thro' Cerno and Chavie!
I actually have one (or two or three) which show when i sign in with an email account, but i usually use my url. :)
Just got tix for another trip to australia. Driving along the south coast, camping on the beach and in parts. Your header photo is a nice reminder of things to come!
I enjoy enlarging the scenics that you have taken... there is so much more there then on first look.
Ok - I have come across a few gravatars of you already :)
That is wonderful! Are you coming this way as well? or going straight to Australia?
My header photo was taken at Arugam Bay - Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. You can surely do a trip there when you come next :)
Yep..i watched the village from this mountain for an hour. so many things are happening and it is enjoyable to watch that from such a high point :)
Thanks. Much as I'd love to come back to SL, I'm not, quite yet. Both places are quite a journey, as there aren't direct flights (I'm starting in Perth).
Would love to see Arugam Bay. Know it's know for the surfing. It was too choppy there in March, we were told. Still to rough to swim/surf.
Yes it is long way..It is a pity that we have direct fights to only limited destinations. Guess the best is to do a seperate trip.
You must do Arugam Bay when you come next. It is quite famous for water sports.. You may be able to do Kitesurfing there :)
Good to contact Dilsiri beofre you come :)
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