This is a wonderful forest reserve situated within the city of Kandy. It is located in a hill just behind the famous Temple of the Tooth (Dalada Maligawa).
The forest area is nicely kept and there are many walkways across it. This reserve is a sanctuary for bird lovers and there are many varieties of flowers also can be seen. The view of the city from here is very charming and you can even see the picturesque Hanthana Mountain too as shown in the picture above.
I have attached more pictures here and you can find detailed information about Udawaththa Kele in this link.
OMG this is beautiful! I am locking in on your trekking blog.. how fun. Please wander for us
home stuck people!!! Your ART is your photos. Perhaps when you wind up somewhere planted for awhile, you can write about your journies!
thank you for the connect..I look forward to more jaw dropping sites.
linda drake
Hi Linda,
Thanks a lot for dropping by and for your wonderful comments! :)
What a gorgeous place!
Hello Kirigalpoththa~ I too enjoy these treks you've taken us on. This one is no exception. Beautiful. Have a great night.
I must agree it is in fact a gorgeous view which I can find a similar one over my place. This is the reason that keeping me to hike on.
What a wonderful forest reserve. I like the views you posted. Thanks for taking us along on your visit.
Being a bird lover, I'd love to be hiking in that forest reserve...
ahh i love this place..visited once when i was a kid...cudnt get enough of it..wish i had a camera back then.
it is wonderful indeed, love the lushness of the place.
I must visit it sometime!! usually when we go to Kandy my father falls asleep (must be the hometown air or something!) and we don't get to go anywhere... :D
It would be great to travel those walkways in that forest. And I love the name Temple of the Tooth.
There are good birds to find in there if you can spend time looking for them. The tall forest gives a bit of neck pain at the end, though!
Yep it is a super place!
You are welcome and I'm glad to do that!
Great! Love to have such view from my place but for me I had to travel some distance to get here :)
You are most welcome!
I'm sure you'll love it :)
I know what u means. I traveled many places in the past and didn have a camera those days. Moreover I didn bother to take a camera. Now I regret!
This part of Sri Lanka (Wet climate) is full of vegetation and you get greenery everywhere..
lol..That is unlucky..! You must plan something out to keep him awake :)
The temple is one of the most venerated places for Buddhists in Sri Lanka and all over the world! You would love to see the street pageant (Perahera) take place every year to worship the Sacred tooth Relic of Lord Buddha.
Yep agree with you. It is sure a good place for bird watchers and I agree that the only concern is the tall trees :)
Thanks all for your comments!
Beautiful place! I would love to look for birds in the forest.
Wow.. great views K.. and today I saw this very forest from Maligawa premises..! =D Really wanna visit there sometime but we're not sure of the directions! lol *I know I'm living only few km away from Kandy, and I'm still saying this!* =D
Anyway hope to go there the next time we visit Kandy.. but the rainy season has begun so.. I'm more worried about the leeches.. -__-
Thanks a lot for sharing the pics and the info.. oh and here's another good link that elucidates more on this forest reserve.
PS: I almost forgot.. that's such a striking head banner you've got up there! That luminous apple green tones suit the theme of the image and the blog.. Great Photoshopping! ^__^
Such breath taking scenery. How blessed you enjoy such fascinating beauty as a pass time... on a regular basis !
Can't wait to come back and visit these places with my hubs & little one' the mean time however,... thank you so much for sharing your beautiful captions ! :)
Must be a great forest reserve since you live in such a wonderful place. I would love to know about all the plants and animals that live there.
Looks like a lovely place - it must be very nice to live on the hill one can see opposite.
Icy BC,
You can find lots of birds in the tall trees of this forest.
Yes it is the forest just behind the maligawa. You can reach the entrance via Hill Street. If you are 'leachphobic', better not to do the trip on a wet day :)
Thanks for the link too!
Thanks for the compliments on the head banner :) I just thought of giving a slight face lift to the blog. Usually I like to keep the site very simple. Hope I have not overdone? :)
You are most welcome and think you are blessed as I am to be born in this country in the first place :)
There are some interesting plants in this forest which I shall share with you soon. In addition to birds, there are a few species of animals live in this forest like porcupines and monkeys.
That hill is called Hanthana and it is a popular hiking place as well. There is a housing scheme in the midway of the hill known as Hanthana housing scheme. I have visited one such house and it is such a fantastic place!
Thanks all for your wonderful comments!
Beautiful, it looks like a wonderful place to wander about and explore.
Thanks for your comments :)
oh is it? By the way are there anyone who's not leech-phobic? lol
Sure, will wait for a clear sunny day to go there. =D Thanks a lot for the directions.
You're welcome. Nope this one looks excellent.. much better than the plain colored one you had before. ^__^
Thanks Harumi!
Yes, very dificult to find 'non - leech - phobic' females ;)
What a magnificent sanctuary! Am adding your blog to my quadrat.
Thanks I did not experience difficulty in opening your blog as I had before.
Bonnie Bonsai,
Thanks a lot!
Were you facing that issue for sometime?
Glad it is not there now :)
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