'Sangili Palama' is what we call for a suspension bridge. Unlike the ‘Golden Gate’, it is quite fun to walk across these smaller versions! You feel the movement of the bridge at every step.
This suspension bridge is situated at Kosgulana. It is built over Kukule Ganga, which is a tributary of River Kalu. This bridge links Kaluthara District with Rathnapura Distict and in other words, you can walk from Western Province to Sabaragamuwa Province by crossing this bridge.
Looks a bit rickety to me:) Thanks for dropping by my blog btw...I do have some shots of the Escondido fall and will post or email em to you soon...tis not very impressive though. Love the blog btw! Makes me very homesick:)
There is a big hole in the middle! :) ( the longest suspension bridge I have crossed is in Japan, almost 2KM (Akashi Kaikyo))
But I see Golden Gate every morning when I wake up! :)
Nice pic.. and thanks for the important facts too. By the way how long is this bridge?
This reminds me of the suspension bridge at Peradeniya Botanical Gardens. It was all shaky and rickety with more holes when we last visited.. so we were only allowed to cross halfway and return. But it was worth a try. =D
It is wobbly and not the most safest bridge especially to travel at night,
Would like to see a few snaps of Escondido fall:)
Yes that hole is enough to give serious trouble if you are not careful :)
2km is a massive length for a bridge. The longest I have travelled is 1.4km on Tsing Ma (Hong Kong-China) and 1km on River Severn, UK.
But I think the bridge that you see every morning is a real engineering marvle as it was completed in 1930s!
Comapared to all the bridges we mentioned above this is a tiny one. But still it must be spanning around 50-60m.
This is very much like the bridge at Peradeniya Gardens. Hope you would be able to cross the entire bridge next time :)
Thanks all for your comments and information
Nice shot.
Is 'palama' the word in Singalese for Bridge?
In Malayalam (and Tamil), 'Palam' is the word for bridge
Yep, 'Palama' in Sinhalese is for 'Bridge'.
There should be many such similarities between these languages.
In fact I find lots of things in Kerala similar to Sri Lanka like, vegetation, climate etc.
Thanks for your comments and I saw some interesting trees in your blog :)
That looks like so much fun! We have a few of those here in NZ, too.
I like suspension bridges!
There are quite a few similar bridges Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka.
Saw your site full of beautiful places of NZ!!
Yes walking across this was really fun and the view of the river from here was even better!
Tks both of you for comments!
Yep, I've seen pics of those imposing bridges of New England and other countries.. so these are world's apart.. =D But for us Lankans even the 50m+ bridge looks pretty hefty.. *well at least for me, that is* =D
Yep, they do resemble a lot. And I think I heard someone say they've already repaired it. Gotta check it out the next time we go there.
Yes you should be able to cross it next time :)
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